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Health Guidelines For Ramadan

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This publication outlines the need for Muslims to re-focus on the reason for fasting in the month of Ramadan; Due to many decades; if not centuries of confusing tradition and customs with Islamic principles; the perceived purpose of Ramadan has changed. This book outlines what is needed to be done to re-establish the close connection with Allah; The practice of eating exotic; extravagant foods and of over-eating takes away the spirituality that we desparately need during this holy month. This book is intended to read well before Ramadan; to initiate the changes required for a spiritually rearding Ramadan.

A comprehensive work; chapters include: preparing for Ramadan; exercises in Ramadan; physical benefits of performing tarawih prayer; harmful foods; medical benefits of fasting; fasting and losing weight; Diabetes & other illnesses and fasting; psycho-sociological benefits of fasting; oral hygiene in Ramadan; menstruation in Ramadan; and also a few helpful recipes for Ramadan; and more.

The author; Dr Farouk Haffejee;  is a family physician with many years of experience in Australia and South Africa.