Buy Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam's Fiqh Of Marriage - 19 CD Audio Set and receive his book, Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations, worth £5.00 absolutely free!
Fiqh Of Marriage - 19 CD Audio Set: This compilation of CDs, based on a 6-session course delivered by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari and facilitated by the VOICES organisation (www.urvoices.com) at Loughborough University UK, is a laudable endeavour to reinforce the value of marriage in an individual's life and its hugely positive impact on society. It is a comprehensive work of reference for all marriage related issues such as selecting a suitable spouse, engagements, marriage ceremonies, marriage contracts, forced, arranged and secret marriages, etiquettes of intimate relations, rights and responsibilities of the spouses, polygamy, pregnancy, upbringing of children and much more. All matters, however personal, are dealt with in a sensitive yet refreshingly open and frank manner. The lectures are not a dry account of legal rulings and injunctions; rather they are an authoritative record of the Fiqh of Marriage accompanied by valuable insights and personal guidance from the learned Shaykh. The content of the discourses, given in light of the Qur'an, Sunna and classical works of Fiqh, is both absorbing and pertinent.
Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations: The book covers a wide range of issues, and thus, answers many frequently asked questions on the topic of sexual relations. It concludes with a short chapter addressing Islamic etiquettes and practises pertaining to newlyweds on their first night.
"I have found this work to be beneficial and highly informative, and strongly recommend the study of this book to all prospective couples, and indeed, to all couples.â€Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ - Mufti Zubair Bayat, Director: Darul Ihsan centre, Durban, South Africa
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