By Shaikh Ahmad Fathu'llah Jami, the Shaikh of the Shadhili Order (
), the native of Mush [in Eastern Turkey], the Khalidi by descent, the Shafi'i by school of Islamic Law, the resident of Marash. He is the successor (
) of Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir 'Isa al-Halabi.
The Call to the Believers consists of eight-nine discourses, each one being an exegesis (
) on one of the eighty-nine Qur'anic verses (
in which the believers are addressed as: "O you who believe..."
The Shaikh says of this work: "I give thanks to the Master (Glorious and Exalted is He) for making this work easy for me. Whenever I read the Qur'an, the sound of the Call from my Lord would penetrate my heart, with His saying (Exalted is He): O you who truly believe! [
ya ayyuha 'ladhina amanu
] I would pause at each verse containing a Call, and contemplate what Allah meant this Call to signify for me. It occurred to my heart that I should collect them and write them down, but I did not decide to act on the feeling until I was moved to do so by Allah's enabling grace."
Al Baz Publishing
Author: Shayikh Ahmad Fatu'llah Jami
Binding: Paper Back
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