The introduction reads as follows: Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani (may Allah, the Independent Sovereign, ennoble him) wrote this Summary of Religious Knowledge [Mukhtasar fi 'Ilm ad-Din] for the benefit of worshipful servants ['abidin] and followers of the spiritual path [salikin]. He designed it to include two aspects, so that anyone who put it into practise would be equipped with a pair of wings. Allah is the Guide to the path of correctness, and to Him is the return and the journey home. Section 1: The science of the Sacred Law [Shari'a] deals with general principles and specific details concerning religious duty, under seven chapter headings. Section 2: The second section is concerned with knowledge of the Spiritual Path [tariqa], which is like a sheltered kernel, while the Sacred Law [Shari'a] is like a shell that keeps it safe and sound. That is why 'Ali (may Allah be well pleased with him) once said: "All the spiritual paths [Turuq] are closed to people, apart from those who follow the command of Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace)."
Al Baz Publishing
Author: Shaykh Abdul Qadir al Jilani, Translated by Muhtar Holland.
Binding: Paper Back
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