More than 1000 Sunan : Sayings & Acts of the Prophet صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم
Based on the Arabic Book 'Akthar min alf Sunnah fee-al-yawm wa al-laylah'. More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night - Based on the Arabic Book 'Akthar min alf Sunnah fee-al-yawm wa al-laylah'. Is it not amazing that in the course of a normal day, many of us are capable of practicing more than 1,000 Sunan? Surely, in clinging to the Sunnah is safety and security, as Imaam Maalik said: "The Sunnah is like the Ark of Noah-whoever embarks on it reaches salvation and whoever refuses is drowned." This short booklet contains statements and actions of the Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم that are performed in a typical day - how many of these are part of our daily lives? This work is the English-language translation of the Arabic booklet, More Than 1,000 Sunan Every Day & Night, complied by Shaykh Khaalid Husaynaan. He is a contemporary student of knowledge of our time who is preoccupied with reviving and following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم.
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