English translation of Futuh al-Sham, the inspiring history of the Sahabah's conquest of ash-Sham (which today includes Syria, Lebanon, Palestine Jordan, and other parts of Arabia, Iraq and Turkey) as narrated by the great historian al-Imam al-Waqidi. Events only briefly mentioned in other works are dealt with in detail here. The strategies of Khalid ibn al-Walid, the piety of Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah, the bravery of Dirar al-Kindi and many more are vividly described. This work also sheds light on lesser known aspects of Islamic history such as the significant role of women and Roman princes who embraced Islam.
This book consists of 2 Volumes:
Volume 1
Modern Day Syria Including Damascus
Baytul Muqaddas
Volume 2
Conquest of Memphis & Alexandria (Lower Egypt)
Conquest of Kurdistan and Armenia
Conquest of Mesopotamia (Iraq)
Conquest of Upper Egypt
English rendering by Maulana Sulayman al-Kindi of South Africa.
Please note that this edition does not include the case as shown in the image above.
The author, Al-Imam al-Waqidi, the great historian, was born at the beginning of 130 Hijri in al Madinah, where he began his studies. He migrated to Iraq in 180 Hijri during the reign of Mamun ar-rashid. There Yahya al Barmaki welcomed him due to his great learning and he was included as one of Mamun's elite. He was soon appointed as judge and held this post until his death in 207 Hijri.
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