"Gateway to Arabic Extension Book One addresses the needs of students who have completed Book Two of the Gateway series and wish to have the opportunity to practise further the skills they have acquired. This book aims to engage the student in a variety of language games, exercises and dialogue activities that will serve to reinforce the vocabulary, grammar and skills they have already learned in Book Two. In addition, it introduces additional extensive vocabulary, new sentence structures and conversational skills in a lively, interactive manner, and it is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
This book covers:
• Personal details: talking about oneself
• Likes and dislikes
• Moving house: rooms, furniture and household items
• Talking about countries, nationalities and languages
• Everyday activities and hobbies
• Shopping: shops and their merchandise
• Occupations
• Comprehensive colours and their usage
• Animals: pets, zoo and farm animals
• Opposites
• Prepositions: asking and describing where things are
• Introduction to simple forms of past and present verbs
• Extensive classroom language games and activities
• Reference list of nouns and their plurals"
More detailed Description by author Dr. Imran Alawiye for gatewaytoarabic.com
The third book in the series is called ‘Gateway to Arabic Extension Book One’, though perhaps it should be regarded as ‘Book 2B’ of the series. It serves to soften the transition from the non-verbal sentences of Book 2 to the more grammatically challenging verbal sentences of Book Three, which would be of particular benefit to children of late primary and early secondary school age (9 to 12). Although the book does touch upon some simple verbs, it is not grammar intensive. Rather, it is more tailored to classroom games and activities and it reinforces and builds upon the vocabulary and sentence structures taught in Book Two. The introduction of new sentence patterns such as, ‘I have x but I don’t have y’, ‘I like x but I don’t like y’, ‘Who is this and what is he doing?’ gives the teacher scope to explore a variety of subject areas and vocabulary with the class. The introduction of passages of dialogue provides plenty of scope for role playing activities.
Anglo Arabic Graphics Ltd
Author: Dr Imran H. Alawiye
Binding: Paper Back
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