Islam the Natural Way provides an understanding of the main concerns of Islam and the foundations on which it is built.
It seeks to show that Islam is the natural way for all creation. To discover Islam is return to one's natural disposition. To understand Islam properly is to understand something of the true meaning and purpose of life. To live by Islam is to live by natural universal values and to fulfil one's needs and obligations, naturally.
Islam the Natural Way was first published in 1989 and has been translated into several languages. Islam the Natural Way deals with such topics as God and creation, human history, freedom and responsibility, good and evil, personal development, work and leisure, the family and social relationships, sex and sex education, attitudes to other faiths and global issues such as war and violence, ecology and the environment, and human destiny.
This is essentially a personal book - for you and your family, for a friend or a neighbour, or anyone you care for.
This book is used in homes and in classrooms, at high schools and universities, in hospitals and prisons, in training courses for youth and social workers.
Islam the Natural Way is now recognized as a standard introduction to Islam. It was first translated into Albanian by Imam Vehbi Ismail in Detroit, Michigan and translations have been published or are in preparation in various languages including Bassanski, Dutch, French, Hungarian, German, Turkish, Spanish, Urdu and Zulu.
New Revised A5 format, 302 pages.
"At last, a splendid introduction to Islam. Clear, forthright and confident. Succeeds in synthesizing the best of Muslim thought of the last three decades. Islam the Natural Way is an authentic presentation of Islam and its worldview." M A Sherif, The Muslim News, London.
"The long-awaited book for Muslim parents and teenagers living in the West. Shows how Islam provides the values for creating a better world." Maryam Davies, Crescent International, London.
Used in homes, in training courses for youth and social workers, and examination courses on Islam.
Deals with such topies as God and creation, human history, freedom and responsibility, good and evil, personal development, work and leisure, the family and social relationsships, sex and sex education, attitudes to other faiths and global issues such as war and violence, ecology and the environment, and human destiny.
Author: Abdul Wahid Hamid
Binding: Paper Back
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