Collected and Compiled by Dr Abdullah Abdurrahman Al-Shimemeri
Paperback 106 Pages
Allah has granted us a certain span of life in this world and with it the ability to think and then decide our course in this life. After that, we will die and be buried. Then we will be brought back to life on the Day of Judgment. Those who did well on the earth will rewarded with Paradise, but those who were unfortunate (i.e., the wrongdoers) will be sent to Hell. The Qur?aan and the Sunnah make it very clear that whoever departs from this world will not return to it again, and repeatedly they warn us that whoever is condemned to Hell will have no exit therefrom.
A comprehensive description of Hell and its punishment is offered precisely and accurately in both the Qur?aan and the Sunnah so that one may know exactly what he might be facing. Thus we are given the choice to work towards either Paradise or Hell, and we must keep in mind that in the Hereafter there is no 'second chance'. Indeed, those who decide to reject Islam and proceed on the path leading to Hell will eternally regret their decision.
Table of Contents :
Its Creation
Capacity and Depth
Intensity of Its Fire
Its Shade
Sparks of its Fire
Its Keepers
Effects upon the Present World
Great Number of Inhabitants
Size of its Inhabitants
Some of its Inhabitants
Categories of its Inhabitants
Beds and Bedcovers
Yokes, Chains and Maces
Variance in Degree of Penalties
Examples of Punishments
Ransoms Offered by Its Inhabitants and Attempts to Escape Punishment
Duration of Residence and Punishments
Some Peoples' Exits
Pleas and Supplications of its Inhabitants
Arguments and Disputes Within
Conversations Between Its Inhabitants and the People of Paradise
Those Who Invite to It
Means by Which to Avoid
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