Taqleed or following one of the four legal schools is not a new phenomenon. Historically, scholars of great calibre and luminaries, each one being a specialist in his own right, were known to have adhered to one of the four legal schools. It is only in the previous century that a minority group emerged advocating a severe ban on following one of the four legal schools.
This book endeavours to address the topic of Taqleed and elucidates why it is necessary to do Taqleed in this day and age, It will also, by the divine will of Allah, dispel some of the confusions surrounding this topic and provide an elaborative response to some of the commonly posed questions questions such as, why choose to follow these four only? Is it necessary to act upon every authentic Hadeeth? Is practising taqleed shirk? and so forth.
JKN Publications
Author: Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam
Binding: Paper Back
Collections: Full Price Products (non sale), Knowledge, New Arrivals, NOT ON SALE, Trending
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