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Al-Hidayah - Volume 1 & 2 [New Darsi Edition] Arabic only

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Al-Hidayah, commentary of Bidayat al-Mubtadi. New edtion of Imam al-Marghinani's prominent work on Hanafi Jurisprudence.

New critical edition, in two colour print, with the text of Bidayat al-Mubtadi in red.

This edition includes:

the hashiyah of Allamah Abd al-Hayy Lucknowi

Ta'liqat of Mufti Abu Lubabah Shah Mansur

Al-Dirayah fi Takhrij Ahadith al-Hidayah by Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani

Ta'liqat by Maktabah al-Bushra highlighting Hanafi responses to criticism.

Computer composed, 2-colour, quality print