The Spiritual Cure
Surah al Fatiha is the greatest chapter of the Qur'an; its like is not found in the rest of the Book or in the previous scriptures. It is a Light that was granted to Prophet Muhammad (S) which had not been granted to any other Prophet or Messenger before him; indeed some of the Salaf stated that when this chapter was revealed; Shayt?n let out a great cry of lament. It holds a central position in the daily Prayer hence the daily life of the Muslim. The underlying theme of al fatihah is one of contemplation and serenity; pondering the Names and Attributes of Allah; pondering the creation and acknowledging that He alone deserves praise and worship; that He alone should be asked for help; that He alone should be feared and hoped in that He alone should be invoked that there is indeed a Day of Judgement and that guidance has come to us and we are required to follow it. It calls us to carefully scrutinize our relationship with our Lord: are we living according to the dictates of 'none has the right to be worshipped save of Allah' or not? This opening chapter; despite its brevity; calls man to fulfill the rights of Tawhid; the right that Allah has over us to worship Him alone without any partners; in thirty places. This chapter summarizes succinctly the message of the whole Quran.
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