Rabbana: Supplications from Qura’n (Book & CD)
Rabbana is an essential Qurʾān-based resource for the supplicant. Prayer is at the heart of all true worship. In these Qurʾānic verses we can see how the prophets and believing men and women called on God for their needs, and unfailingly turned to the Creator with glorifications and supplications (duʿāʾs). With prayer we repel grief, despondency, and fear (khawf) and replace them with hope (rajāʾ), confidence, and trust (tawakkul). Supplication is also a way of seeking forgiveness (istighfār) for our sins and purifying the heart (ṭahārat al-qalb). According to Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya the speech of God in the majestic Qurʾān is powerful and transformative, it contains His complete cure, beneficent protection, guiding light, and all-embracing mercy
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