Niqaab A Seal on the Debate (DAW)
SL: 00000
The author has brought together the collective evidences from the various books of Hadeeth in discussing the dress code of the Muslimah. The book brings to light the meaning of Khimaar; Jilbaab; Hijaab and Niqaab and describes their various attributes after teasing them out from the ambiguous word 'veil' which have all been translated into the English language. The Book also clarifies the differences in dress code between the Wives of the Prophet and the Muslim women and explains how incorrect rulings and opinions have been promoted. The author has shown the true position of the Niqaab in Islam and described in rich detail the true obligatory dress code of the Muslimah.
About The Author:
Sister Kamillah embraced Islam 30 years ago. She was born and raised in Michigan USA; in a Christian household with relatives being Southern Baptist Ministers from the 'Bible Belt' in North Carolina. Her mother dedicated her to the Church from an early age and it was no surprise that she wanted to spread the Word of God. But there was a problem; she didn't believe in the Trinity. Upon realizing her true believes she began her journey in search of the true religion; with Allah guiding her to Islam. She spent her years studying Hadeeth striving to understand the statements and actions of Prophet Muhammad (saws). She spent several years bringing the various texts from the different books of Hadeeth together; promoting the practice of looking at the collective evidences.
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