This book contains dis
courses that
Shaikh ‘Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani
delivered at his s
chool in Baghdad. As in all of his sermons and writings, the Shaikh explains in these discourses to his audience how to draw nearer to God. His words are the fruit of years of personal strife against his lower self and complete dedication to God, thus telling the fascinating story of his attainment to nearness to God.
The Shaikh addresses many spiritual diseases — such as envy, greed, arrogance, and attachment to this world — and the qualities that the seeker of God must acquire — such as love, renunciation, humility, satisfaction, patience, and truthfulness. He explains in a simple but very powerful and effective way to the
how to have their spiritual diseases healed and what qualities they need to acquire for their journey to God. The Shaikh’s words and advice are not targeted at certain people, but they address various spiritual states and stations. His words provide a drink for everyone who thirsts for knowledge that takes him nearer to his Lord.
Author: ‘Abd Al Qadir Al Jilani, Translated by Shetha Al Dargazelli & Louay Fatoohi
Binding: Paper Back
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