Year 2 (Ages 6-7):
- 2 Student Books
- 2 Activity Books
On completion the student should be able to:
Name the basic elements of Islam and pronounce the Shahaadah (testimony of faith) correctly
Identify some of the creations of Allah
Pronounce the words ?Rabbiy- Allaah,? (my Lord is Allah )
?Deeniyya al-Islaam,?(my religion is Islam) and ?Nabiyyee Muhammad (my Prophet is Muhammad)
Memorize the soorahs from Soorah at-Teen to Soorah al-Humazah correctly
Demonstrate proper care for a personal copy of the Noble Qur'aan, and learn to respect and revere it
Demonstrate some knowledge of the life of the Prophet
Display attentiveness to cleanliness and hygiene in personal attire
Define istinjaa? and istijmaar
Identify the five obligatory prayers
Recite the day and night words of dhikr
Treat his/ her parents kindly
Demonstrate respect for private property.
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