'Al E'tidaal fee Maraatib ar-Rijaal.' Also Known as Islami Siyaasat (Islamic politics)
Muslims everywhere are going through a period of uncertainty, turmoil and suffering. Throughout the world, there appears to be a concerted effort to wipe out the very presence of Muslims. Bosnia, Somalia and Algeria are the better known examples of this onslaught, but Muslims are under attack in many other countries. Kashmir, Cambodia and Burma are examples.
In the West too, Muslims live in uncertainty. Questions abound:
''What should we do? Should we vote? Whom should we vote for? Why don't we get guidance from the Ulama?''
Islam does provide an answer, but the answers for Muslims are different from the answers for Non-Believers.
A student of Shaykh al-Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya rahimahullah asked seven questions . Hadhrat Shaykh's reply was published in a form of a book 'Al-E'tidaal fee Maraatib ar-Rijaal' This books not only provides answers to the problems we are facing but serves as a guide according to which a Muslims life can be conducted.
It should be studied carefully, so that full benefit can be derived from the advice and guidance of Hadhrat Shaykh rahimahullah.
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