A translation of Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Muhammad ad-Dinori's (better known as Ibn Sunni) classical work, Amal al-Yawm Wal-Laylah.
You may say that this is a sirah from a different angle.
The introduction highlights the importance of supplication and the manners of making supplication. In this context, virtues of dhikr and prayers at different times of day and night are also mentioned.
There are chapters on manners in various situations that one encounters such as eating, visting the sick etc.
In short, the respected author has mentioned supplications for every necessity from birth to death.
Morever, all the prayers and guidelines are as the Prophet had taught.
'The most comprehensive book which has been compiled on that subject, and hence most suitable, seemed to be that by Imam Nasais illustrious disciple, Ash-Shaikh Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Muhammad Ad-Dinawri, better known as Ibn Sunni .
The title of the said book is Al Yawm Wal Lailah. This book was chosen after due consultation with my highly respected mentor Faqihul Ummat, Mufti Muhammad Hasan Gangohi rahimahullah.''
English Translation by Zahra Baintner
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