A Handbook of Rules
Pertaining to the deceased
Being a Tanslation of
means the conpendium of rules which have to be observed in the case of a decased person. From the title, the book may give the impression of being a juristic guide book in the event of death. Partically, it is. But, the book has been conceived and written in a style which is alive to contemporary realities and is very lucid, simple, warm and compassionate. The author and his collaborating juro-consults have made every possible effort to present an authentic document based on the teachings and practice of the Holy Prophet. All deviations from the correct
method of handling the decessed have been readily pointed out.
The book shows that there is nothing scary about death. In fact, death is a gift-wrapped call from the Master, a means of deliveance from the prison-house of mortal life, and a hopeful return of where one belongs. So, the book is, on the surface, about the dead, but it is, more so, a reminder to the living-let for the
through the bridge of death-before your are carried, willingly or unvillingly.
Death is serious mater. Let this not make you shy away from the book. Once you start reading the book, you will be a rapt reader without knowing it. It is the voice of truth, understanding and benevolence and certainly, a cleanser of your soul.
Author: Prof. M. Shameem
Binding: Hard Cover
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