Much of the flaws that afflict the individual and the community stem from the singular defect of anger. Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He). And His Messenger (Peace be upon him) have given us instructions regarding the malady and advised us to keep it in check. This work is an extensive discussion on these instructions. We hope that this concise work will aid the one who is afflicted with this flaw to find cure in, Insha Allah; while the one who is free of it will find enough incentives to keep his emotions under control.
Golden Advice Series
The Golden Advice Series is a response to the obligation of giving naseehah and its obvious need in our ummah at the present time. This series focuses on the naseehah to the believers from the Glorious Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). These advice ranges from tawheed (Worshipping Allah Alone) to morals and issues of business transactions. Each of the books comes in an easy-to-read size but the contents are highly beneficial, bi ithni’llah!
Titles In The Golden Series
1. The Concise Legacy 2. O My Son! (The Advice of Luqman) 3. Do Not Become Angry 4. Guard The Tongue 5. Be Patient and Paradise will be Yours 6. Rizq and Lawful Earning 7. Do Not Be Envious 8. The Muslim Home 9. O Young Man! 10. Be Steadfast!
75 Pages
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