A common misunderstanding which deters people from practising Islam is the idea that Islamic Teachings are difficult to practise. Alongside this, there are many opportunities a person comes across on a daily basis to amass reward for the Hereafter, but which one missed due to lack of knowledge.
Easy Good Deeds is a valuable book which details many good deeds that a person can easily practise without any major effort. The author has highlighted actions over a wide spectrum of areas, ranging from worship to social conduct, all of which entail minimum effort but reap abundant reward nonetheless. This concise work will help readers appreciate the importance of many righteous actions, realise how easy it is to perform them, and ultimately imbue them with the spirit to practice Islam in its entirety.
Translated by Shaykh Javed Iqbal
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Taqi 'Uthmani is one of the leading Islamic scholars living today.
Author of more than 40 books, he is an expert in the fields of Islamic
law, Economics and Hadith. For the past 35 years, he has been teaching at the Darul-Uloom
in Karachi that was established by his father Mufti Muhammad Shafi, the
late Grand Mufti of Pakistan. He also holds a degree in law and has sat
as Judge at the Shari'ah Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of
Pakistan. He is a consultant to several international Islamic financial
institutions and has played a key part in the move toward interest free
banking and the establishment of Islamic financial institutions. He is
the deputy chairman of the Jeddah based Islamic Fiqh Council of the
Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).
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