"One rarely comes across a work that is both simple in its presentation and weighty in its contents; that can be read by young and old with equal fascination and enlightenment...This warmly written book, beautifully edited, and illustrated with Ethar's own photographs from Tarīm, is one such reminder of God." (The Muslim World Book Review)
Tarim is the setting of a forty day Dowra (intensive course in traditional Islamic sciences)that was attended by Ethar El-Katatney in Summer 2008 for the purpose of religious learning and self development. This photo-diary weaves together her life-changing experiences, the fascinating people that she met, the historic places she visited and a few of the pearls of wisdom that were passed onto her by the respected scholars that she was privileged
enough to spend time with. The reader is given a portrait of a place where real Islam has penetrated the heart of the people and is truly a way of life.
Title: Forty Days and Forty Nights... in Yemen
Category: Comparative and Contemporary Religion
Subtitle: A Journey to Tarim, the City of Light
Author: Ethar El Katatney
£5.00 RRP
£5.95 you save £0.95
ISBN 13: 9781842001196
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 168
Size: 148 x 210
Collections: Full Price Products (non sale), Knowledge, New Arrivals, NOT ON SALE, Trending
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