Gateway to Arabic Book Seven adds to the student's knowledge of the derived forms of Arabic verbs by teaching Forms Five to Ten inclusive, supported by written exercises. The key theme running through the book is overseas travel, and dialogues include dealing with lost luggage at the airport, calling a taxi, booking a hotel room and exchanging money.
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The main area of grammar taught in Book Seven is the conjugation of the verb forms from five to ten, again with template support as well as written exercises.
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The central theme of the book concerns travel and includes passages of dialogue on areas such as: discussing where to go on holiday, getting ready to land, dealing with missing luggage, booking a hotel room, taking a taxi and checking in at the hotel reception desk. As always, detailed vocabulary boxes are included to help the student to famililarise him or herself with new words and expressions.
Anglo Arabic Graphics Ltd
Author: Dr Imran H. Alawiye
Binding: Paper Back
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