'Gentleness O People of the Sunnah, with the People of the Sunnah'
A translation of the second edition of the monumental work, "Rifqan Ahlus Sunnah bi Ahlus Sunnah". Written by the muhaddith of Madinah, Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbad. Please note that the Shaykh mentions certain scholars such as Shaykh Rabee al-Madkhali, Shaykh Ahmed al-Najmi and Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiri in this work. However the aim is not to diminish their standing, rather the aim is to unite Ahlus Sunnah. This shows the manners of the scholars in advising one another.
From the Publisher:
The first edition was published in 2003/1424H and was originally written as a much needed and timely advice directed to his brothers and sisters among the People of the Sunnah due to the turmoil and controversy that had occurred as a result of the defamation and heretication of certain scholars and students of knowledge.
In the second edition, which was published in 2005/1426H—a mere two years later—the shaykh added a new introduction addressing some issues that were raised by certain groups after the first edition was published and distributed. He also added two chapters to the end of 'Rifqan Ahlus Sunnah', titled 'The Heresy of Testing the People by Individuals' and 'Cautioning Against the Tribulation From Some of the People of the Sunnah in This Era of Disparaging and Heretication'.
We have also added the shaykh's follow up advice titled 'Once Again, Gentleness O People of the Sunnah, with the People of the Sunnah'. This was published in December 2010/Muharram 1432H and shows that the shaykh's stance on gentlesness between Ahlus Sunnah stands to the current day.
Please see the back cover for selections from the praise of the scholars (including Shaykh Fawzan) for this work.
96 Pages
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