Help from ALLAH In the stories of the Quran
The Quran presents the stories of the prophets, which are undoubtedly the highest landmarks and the most distinguished episodes in human history. And why not, after they have combined the best style and chosen the most suitable events to highlight its message and the excellent example of the seal of prophets and those who supported them. The love of imitating is a natural quality ingrained in man, especially of the one that is followed. These are some of the unique features of these stories and are not found elsewhere. It is not utterly disgraceful, therefore, that we should read the stories of the Quran and understand them simply as folklore that have long vanished with the passage of time? And what is the relationship between them and us anyway? Surely by ALLAH, this is destruction, but it is not due to ignorance of the purpose of these stories; that they are advices for those who take heed, reminders for those who think, and instruction to those who desist. On the whole, there is no other purpose for these stories except their benefit, counsel, and enlightenment to the Muslims.
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