Islam in Focus
Chapter - I
The Ideological Foundation Of Islam
Chapter - II
The Basic Concept Of Islam
Chapter - III
The Application Of Faith
Chapter - IV
Application Of Islam To Daily Life
Chapter - V
Distortions About Islam
All this has proven exceptionally helpful to the native Muslims in the west, the new Muslims, and all those who are searching for the truth everywhere.
The Purpose of this work is simply to acquaint the average reader with the basic teachings of Islam. It will be obvious that there is no intention to present the depth or breadth of Islam in this book. What is intended, however, is to provide the common but literate person with proper insight into the subject and help him to appreciate the principles which Islam stands for. Once he develops the initial interest, he can pursue the course of deeper knowledge on his own.
About the Author
Dr. Hammudah Abdalati graduated from al-Azhar Universiy of Egypt. He received an M.A. in Islamic Studies from McGill University and a Ph. D. in Sociology from Princeton University. In 1958 he joined the Department of Islamic Culture at al-Azhar. He was appointed in 1960 the first full-time director of the Canadian Islamic Center of Edmonton, Aberta. From 1967 till he passed away in September 1976, Dr. Abdalati was Associate Professor of Sociology at Utica College of Syracuse University.
Dr. Abdalati was well known to the Muslim communities of North America as well as other intercultural groups and audiences. For years he lectured on Islam, attended Islamic conventions, wrote articles in Arabic and English, and responded to inquiries. He was a source scholar to whom many students of Islam and Islamic culture turned for help.
Besides ISLAM IN FOCUS, Dr. Abdalati is the author of a major work on THE FAMILY STRUCTURE IN ISLAM: Explorations in Historicultural Sociology, published by American Trust Publication
Author: Hamudah Abdalati
Binding: Paperback
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