BGN 224.00
Man and Destiny:Some Reflections on Iqbal’s Concept of Khudi and the Perfect Man. Contemporary Islamic resurgence can be understood in its historical perspective and ideological connotations only by having a deeper understanding of the thoughts and contributions of its chief architects, among whom Iqbal, one of the most illustrious poet-philosophers of Islam occupies a very distinct position.
Abdur Rashid Siddiqui’s well-researched book is a timely contribution that brings into sharp focus the real intellectual and ideological ethos of Islamic resurgence. He has delved deep into the mind and soul of Iqbal and presented in a simple and lucid style two cardinal concepts of Iqbalian thought. The concepts of Khudi (self) and Insan-i-Kamil (the perfect man) are keys to the understanding of Iqbal’s vision of man and his role in history.
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