The Path of the Worshipful Servants to the Garden of the Lord of All the Worlds
Minhaj al-'Abidin ila Jannati Rabbi ’l-'Alamin
by Imam Hujjat al-Islam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali.
The author tells us how he implored Allah “to make it possible for me to compose a book—one that would meet with unanimous approval, and the reading of which would result in positive benefit—and He inspired me with a marvelous arrangement, the like of which I did not recall in any of the previous compositions dealing with the secrets of religious practices.”
He also said, “Worshipful service is the fruit of knowledge, the benefit of life, the income of strong servants, the stock-in-trade of the saints [awliya'], the path of the truly devout, the allotted portion of the mighty, the goal of those endowed with aspiration, the emblem of the noble, the vocation of real men, and the choice of those with faculties of vision. It is the way of good fortune and the path [minhaj] of the Garden of Paradise.”
Al Baz Publishing
Author: Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad al Ghazali
Binding: Paper Back
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