Portrait Of Human Perfection
A description of the appearance and character of the Prophet Muhammad
About the Book:
The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was more than a messenger. As Rasul Allah he is the embodiment of human perfection, and his character and behavior form a vital part of his mission to mankind. His Lord said of him in the Holy Qur'an: "And truly you are immense in character"; and he said of himself, "I have been sent only to perfect nobility of character". Indeed his entire life was a perfect model and illustration of fineness of outlook and behavior.
This book explains in detail this perfection manifested itself in the daily life of the Blessed Prophet. It also provides a vivid description of his physical appearance and attributes. The reader will surely gain from it a deeper love for the bearer of Allah's final Message and a greater understanding of the message of Islam which he conveyed to mankind through his words and his deeds.
Author: Shaykh Ahmad Muhammad Al Hawfi
Binding: Paper Back
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