The Ramadan of Shaikh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya And Our Elders.
The blessed month of Ramadan is a special gift from Allah. It is an opportunity for any Muslim who makes the most of their time in this blessed month to become a beloved close servant of Allah. Yet many of us are confounded as to how to derive the most spiritual benefit from this blessed month. Ramadan is more than tarawih, recitation of Quran, and fasting. It is a time to gain closeness with Allah and to remove the accumulated effects of sins, bad environments, and our ghafla (forgetfulness of Allah) throughout the year. It provides a beautiful spiritual curriculum for gaining closeness with Allah by retreating into the house of Allah, breaking our ties and connections with the world, and spending our time in meditation and devotions.
This book presents the example of how one of the greatest hadith scholars of the past century, Shaikh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya, and other notable scholars, left their religious duties of teaching Quran and hadith to devote their time in austere devotion and worship of Allah in the blessed month. Despite his busy schedule and scholarly work of hadith, Shaikh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya devoted the whole month of Ramadan to connect those who came to sit in his pious company with Allah and to ignite the flame of love of Allah, love for the Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him), and perpetual remembrance of Allah in their lives.
This book is an excellent firsthand account of how the great scholars of Islam utilized each moment of this blessed month. It is an inspirational and motivational book which will, inshallah, change the way we view and utilize the blessed month of Ramadan.
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